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4-star MTB route through the forests of the BASQUE PYRENEES

4 Stages of mountain biking through the Urbasa and Aralar Ranges, the Ultzama Valley and the Eremua MTB Espace.



Típicas majadas pastoriles vascas en la Sierra de Aralar
Espectacular "cencellada" en el rincón mágico de la vertiente norte del Pico Adi. Etapa opcion 5*
Sierra de Aralar - BASOAK Aralar - Irati, ambiente en la 2ª etapa de la ruta
Las montañas de la mitología vasca saturan el horizonte
Escenas de la ruta
Dolmen de Trikuharri vigilando BASOAK Aralar - Irati

BASOAK 4* is a mountain biking route in its purest state. It runs through the northwest of Navarra joining the Urbasa / Andia Range in the first stage, and the Aralar Range in the second. To these 2 natural spaces of first order, are added in the final 2 or 3 stages by the Ultzama Valley (the Navarran Switzerland), and the endless forests full of "flow" trails of the Quinto Real recently reinterpreted by the modern philosophy of MTB tracks developed in the area by the EREMUA Trail and MTB Center.

The PIRINEOS PUNTO BIKE proposal to pedal the route is in broad strokes, a Self Guided Pack which includes the Half Board Accommodations, the Tracks of the route and the Luggage Transport from hotel to hotel.
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Stage I: Pamplona - Arbizu - Distance: 64 km   Unevenness: 1.135 m

Stage A: Arbizu - Lekunberri - Distance: 50 km   Unevenness: 1.545 m

Stage B: Lekunberri - Zubiri - Distance: 61 km   Unevenness: 1.635 m

Stage F: Zubiri - Pamplona - Distance: 62 km   Unevenness: 1.485 m

The complete route
Distance: 198 km   Unevenness: 5.210 m

Stage I: Pamplona - Arbizu - Distance: 64 km   Unevenness: 1.135 m


Stage I of BASOAK MTB is the "Andia / Urbasa Ranges" stage.
After the long section of plain that can be guessed in the profile, which corresponds mainly to the River walk of the Arga between Pamplona and Ibero, the route continues for a few kilometers to the Arakil Basin and then tackles a hard ascent to the Andia Range.
It is not easy to make the decision of the route to choose, option 1, which, crossing the Lizarraga mountain pass, enters from the Andia to the Urbasa Range -a division more administrative than geographical- and ends with a "demanding" descent to Etxarri Aranaz, or option 2, which ascends the 1.495 meters of Beriain summit and then descends in a more relaxed way through the town of Unanua. We will have to decide in Portillo de Bizkarluz, at almost 1.200 meters of altitude, and sometimes the weather will be the one that makes us decide from one option to the other.
Neither of them is going to disappoint us, the environment of the Andia / Urbasa Natural Park in which we move, magnifies everything.

Cuenca de Pamplona desde Alto de Goni

After a long section of plain, we leave the Pamplona Basin behind with the ascent to Alto de Goñi, a tough climb of those that are not forgotten.

La mole del Pico Beriain Ascenso al Pico Beriain

If we choose option 2 of the stage, we will ascend to Beriain Pic which at 1.495 meters of altitude is one of the highest and most emblematic cyclable mountains in Navarra.
In the photo below, the mountain fills the horizon behind the cyclists. In this case, a peak that is not forgotten.

Sierra de Andia - Subebajas

Constant ups and downs at the top of the Andia Range

Descanso en el Pico Beriain Ermita de San Donato

A rest on the path, and hermitage of San Donato, already at the top of Beriain.

Descenso del Pico Beriain Descenso del Pico Beriain y corredora de trail

The descent begins, each madwoman with her theme.

Descenso del Pico Beriain y La Sakana

Fortunately, everything that goes up goes down, long, long descent towards Unanua.

Bosques de Urbasa-Andia

"Winter" trees in the Urbasa Range, the "star" of the day.

Pistas de Sierra Andia

gravel tracks on arrival at Alto de Lizarraga, "official" resting point in option 1.

Cueva en el karst

Lubierri cave, hidden corners on the route.

Ermita de San Adrián Valle de La Sakana

Hermitage of San Adrián, a privileged viewpoint over the La Sakana Valley. In the background, the mass of Beriain, a spectacular cycling summit included as a more demanding alternative to the stage.


Stage A: Arbizu - Lekunberri - Distance: 50 km   Unevenness: 1.545 m


Stage A of BASOAK MTB is the "Aralar Range" stage.
After a first foray into the Altzania Range in which we will cross the impressive path of the Millennial Oaks and a succession of remains of various dolmens, the track of the route enters the Aralar Range. Here there is a clear difference between a 1st part ascending on the Gipuzkoa slope and a 2nd part in the Navarre area where, after going flat for several kilometers through the top of the mountain range, we will proceed to descend to the valley at Lekunberri.
With an ancient pastoral tradition, the Aralar range is currently a Nature Reserve which continues to maintain this tradition despite being in the vicinity of some of the most industrialized areas of the Basque Country.

Millenary Oaks-1 Millenary Oaks-2

The Path of the Millenary Oaks welcome us in BASOAK MTB

Tumulo-Dolmmen-Txaradigorri Dolmmen-Txaradigorri

Ancient Dolmen at Txaradigorri summit.


In Lizarrusti Mountain Pass we enter already in the Aralar Range.


Lareo lake.


On some occasion we will have to push the bicycle, but the usual thing will be to flow.

dolmenes dolmenes

Ondarre II Megalithic Complex

Majada de Pikuta

Shepherds huts in Pikuta


Cyclist blocking between the forest and the meadows


Another moment, the same place. Oidui pastoral shepherds.

Enirio huts

Winding paths in the shepherds of Oidui. Lareo's lake is shrinking in the forest.

Refugio de Igaratza

Igaratza refuge, forced rest, the climb is over.

horses in Errenaga

Horses in Desaomendi, 1,306 meters, the highest point of the stage.

Basque Mountains in the background

The BASOAK line cuts the slopes of Aralar. The Aizkorri Range and the mountains of the deep Gipuzkoa close the horizon.

descend to Lekumberri

Relaxed Cycling in the Unakoputzua camps.

descend to Lekumberri

We are changing the valley and the Navarrese Pyrenees begin to occupy our horizon.

autumn in Aralar range

Descent towards Lekunberri. If the snow paints the summits of the Malloak of Aralar, the cycling season in BASOAK MTB ends.


Stage B: Lekunberri - Zubiri - Distance: 61 km   Unevenness: 1.635 m


For almost 40 kilometers the profile of this 3rd stage is made up of an uninterrupted succession of meadows and forests regularly interspersed with the typical villages of the Ultzama Valley.
Without great slopes but with constant ups / downs we cross a territory that is "friendly" but in which the isolation that little by little is spreading throughout all the peninsular rural territories begins to be noticed.
If we relax too much we will find ourselves face to face with the last section of the day. A constant "wall" with more than 700 meters of unevenness completely alters the profile of the stage and requires us to stand firm. After a last effort, surely setting foot on the ground, we reached the top of Leateko Gaina summit. It is the time of put our helmet on tightly to drop down the 600 meters of the "Magnun" route - from the new EREMUA Trail / BTT Center - to the reservoir of Eugi and by road to Zubiri.
Lovers of the most enduring descents may choose, if they wish, to descend other more demanding routes such as Anaconda Bong or King Goitean. No matter where you get off, it will be difficult not to arrive at the hotel with a smile on your face.


Stage B begins and the Aralar Ranges becomes an horizon.


Already in the first kilometers the forest -BASOAK- takes center stage.


Etxaleku, "type" town in the Ultzama Valley.


Top of Itxondoa, ecuador of the stage and heart of La Ultzama.


The prairies of the Ultzama Valley end abruptly in the forest front of the Quinto Real. We could say that here we enter the Pyrenees.

Forests-in-BASOAK MTB more Forests-in-BASOAK MTB

Typical "carpeted" trail of the Navarrese Pyrenees.

Carboneras-Eremua-bike-trail Carboneras route Eremua

Descending the route "Carboneras" on "cencellada" day.

Eugi-reservoir Eremua-Panoramic-Eugi-reservoir

End of day at Eugi lake.


Stage F: Zubiri - Pamplona - Distance: 62 km   Unevenness: 1.485 m


La etapa F de BASOAK es la que devuelve a los ciclistas que realizan la ruta, desde los Bosques del norte de Navarra a su capital en Pamplona.
La etapa esta claramente diferenciada en 2 mitades con diferentes ambientes. En la primera se mantiene la "tensión escénica" de los interminables bosques de hayedo que caracterizan BASOAK. La ruta se interna por los rincones de la Selva de Anue, un entorno más conocido como los Montes de Belate y tras un descenso cuidado por los bikers locales por el antiguo sendero de las Minas de Lantz, desciende primero a esta localidad y después a la de Aritzu, ya en el fondo del valle.
En la 2ª mitad de la etapa, el paisaje cambia bruscamente. Entramos en el Valle de La Ultzama, atravesando inicialmente una sucesión de prados y pueblos de carácter apacible y domesticado. Sorprendentemente el ambiente se torna más agreste según abandonamos el valle y nos acercamos a la ciudad. En los últimos kilómetros encadenamos diferentes sendas de las utilizadas por los ciclistas locales en sus salidas rutinarias desde Pamplona.

Variante Valle Esteribar: La etapa F dispone de una opción de ruta (F9) orientada prácticamente en su totalidad hacia el sur. Esta variante aprovecha las nuevas sendas recuperadas por el Centro de BTT y Trail EREMUA en la zona sur del Valle de Esteribar y se dirige hacia Pamplona encadenando una serie de ascensos y descensos que podemos combinar de diferentes maneras para reducir o alargar la dureza de un recorrido que en su versión completa alcanza los 43 kilómetros con un desnivel acumulado de 1.470 metros.
Es esta una opción muy utilizada cuando los ciclistas están finalizando BASOAK MTB y desean realizar el viaje de vuelta a sus lugares de origen el mismo día en que realizan la etapa.

Basoak-MTB-Eremua-Sugea Subida a Burdindogi

Ascenso por la ruta Sugea en las laderas del Monte Burdindogi.


La loma de Goitiko Gaina hace de frontera entre los hayedos del norte de Navarra y los prados y bojedales que colonizan el territorio más al sur.

Basoak-MTB-Collado-de-Karaton Basoak-MTB-Selva de Anue

Rincones de la ruta por la Selva de Anue.

Basoak-MTB-Minas de Lantz Basoak-MTB-Minas-btt-Down

Bocas de antiguas minas. El descenso a Lantz, en el Valle de la Ultzama, se realiza por la antigua senda -rehabilitada por bikers locales- utilizada antiguamente por los mineros.


Lantz, emblemática localidad navarra conocida principalmente por sus famosos carnavales.


Secuencia de valles y montañas entre el Pirineo navarro y la Cuenca de Pamplona.

Basoak-MTB-Esteribar-sur Basoak-MTB-Esteribar-sur-Puente-Zubiri

Ambiente de prados y bosque bajo si elejimos la opción de ruta por el sur del Valle de Esteribar.

Basoak-MTB-Basoak-MTB-Fluvial-Villava Basoak-MTB-Ciclistas en el Paseo-fluvial

Últimos kilómetros de la ruta por el Paseo Fluvial de la Comarca de Pamplona.


Fin de etapa, habitualmente fin de BASOAK MTB en Pamplona.


Stage H: Zubiri - Zubiri - Distance: 55 km   Unevenness: 2.015 m


La etapa H de BASOAK MTB es una etapa circular por la sección más occidental de los bosques del Quinto Real.
Diseñada para ofrecer la posibilidad de añadir una etapa a las opciones de BASOAK MTB que hacen noche en el Valle de Esteribar, habitualmente en Zubiri, esta etapa viene a ser el Tour del Adi, una de las montañas más emblemáticas de Navarra, y con un "Rincón" -el de su cara norte- que para nosotros se convierte en uno de los pasos "obligados" de la ruta.

La etapa "respira" el carácter de las nuevas sendas del Centro de BTT EREMUA y las combina con el ambiente de los territorios fronterizos pirenaicos de los pastizales de Sorogain y el desconocido "Quinto Norte" una franja de territorio con peculiaridades históricas tan sorprendentes en las que pese a ser de titularidad española, sus habitantes son franceses. Pastores, carboneros, contrabandistas, militares... los pasos del pasado marcan las sendas del presente.

Autumn in BASOAK woods

Autumn, one of the best seasons for BASOAK MTB.


"Fauna" clásica del entorno. Con nosotros ya estamos todos.

Eremua-bike-route-Adi-flow Eremua-Roncesvalles-bike-route-Cencellada-1 Eremua-bike-Cencellada

Cencellada, bunker de la Línea P y flow Pirineum Navarrorum. Magia en BASOAK 5*


Collado de Aratun, referencia geográfica del macizo del Adi y máximo exponente de la potencia ambiental del Pirineo navarro.

Eremua-Roncesvalles-bike-route-highest point Eremua-Roncesvalles-Irati-bike-route-low-fogs

Sendero por la ladera oriental del Adi. Nos encontramos en la cota más elevada y en uno de los puntos más espectaculares de la ruta.

Eremua-Bosque-Tropical Eremua-Tunel-de-Boj

Ambiente de auténtico bosque tropical en los singletracks del Centro de BTT Eremua.


If you have doubths, do not hesitate and use some of the buttons below, we respond quickly.


  • Lodging for stages with start in Iruñea-Pamplona

  • Hotel Villava

    The base of PIRINEOS PUNTO BIKE in Iruñea / Pamplona is located in the HOTEL VILLAVA, a comfortable 3-star establishment located in the town of Villava, with Bikefriendly category and perfectly prepared for our cycling activity. The hotel is in a privileged situation for the practice of our sport, at the foot of Mount Ezkaba and on the road to the Pyrenees.

    hotel-villava-exterior hotel-villava-salon hotel-villava-room-1 hotel-villava-room-2 hotel-villava-rest-room hotel-villava-bikes-room
  • Lodging for stages with start in Arbizu

  • Hotel Izar Ondo

    Excepto en las ocasiones que lleguemos al inicio de ruta en Taxibike habiendo dormido en Irati

    Izarondo-casa Izarondo-comedor Izarondo-room Izarondo-comedor-ext Izarondo-bar-1 Izarondo-bar-2
  • Lodging for stages with start in Lekunberri

  • Hotel Ayestaran

    Hotel-Ayestaran-ext Hotel-Ayestaran-comedor Hotel-Ayestaran-room Hotel-Ayestaran-bikes Hotel-Ayestaran-history Hotel-Ayestaran-Orson-Welles
  • Lodging for stages with start in Zubiri

  • Hostal GauTxori

    Gautxori-ext Gautxori-ext2 Gautxori-dinning-room-1 Gautxori-dinning-room-2 Gautxori-room-1 Gautxori-room-2


  • Best time to go: > The route can be done once the snow disappears in the highest mountains of the route. From there, we dare not say that one era is better than another. It really depends on the specific weather of the days we choose.
       Do not underestimate the weather, not even in the middle of summer. The conditions -especially in the Pyrenees- can be identical to those of the Central Pyrenees. To summarize... our advice is: bring even the long culotte and if it doesn´t come out from the suitcase, all the better.
       In summer it is necessary to be aware of the possibility of storms -frequent in the afternoons-.
  • Type of tracks: In general, trails and tracks with more physical than technical demand, both uphill and downhill.
       For the technically demanding sections - that sometimes there are - we offer alternative tracks, although the simplest way not to distort the route is to get off the bike.
  • Ideal bike: Any mountain bike.
  • Orientation: The route must be followed with a GPS device or with the mobile phone App that you are used to using for the same purpose.
       It is not advisable to try to learn how to use an App on the fly.
       We do not provide Apps or GPS user manuals. It is up to the users to have this knowledge.
       There is no on-site signage.
  • Ciclability: Depending on the technical skills and the strengths of each one, the route is 98% cyclable.
  • Philosophy: The route is designed so that the stages can be completed and we still have a large part of the day to enjoy the place where we are.
  • Provisioning: Although sometimes we find refreshment points, depending on the time of the year we can find that some establishments are closed. In the services waypoint file that we deliver at the beginning of the route the information of each stage is given.


cromos de hoteles Irati Tours



4 Stages / 4 Nights

532 € Price per person for groups of 6 or more people

BSK4E4Y5 € Price per person for groups of 4 or 5 people

618 € Price per person for groups of 3 people

610 € Price per person for groups of 2 people

Single room supplement: 142 €
When the group consists of an even number of people, an even number of applications will also be necessary to access this supplement.

And you can add a Night with Breakfast at the end of the route -in the same hotel where you started it- - for 37 € per person in a double room or for 60 € in a single room

In these proposals when the groups are odd, the accommodation is offered in double rooms and a single room.

If you want the price of the Pack to be cheaper, perhaps we can lower the level of one of the chosen hotels. And also, if the number of participants is odd; request a triple room.
- This management is only done once the Pack has been contracted -

Rates for the whole year, subject to availability.
The prices may vary when the dates coincide with the Easter holidays or with the Patron Festivities of any of the places of accommodation.


  • 1 night of accommodation with breakfast
    Corresponds to the 1st night as usually the groups prefer to choose themselves where to dine during the arrival trip to the destination
  • 3 nights accommodation in half board
  • Shower and luggage reception at the end of the last stage despite you don’t spend the night at the finalising point of the route
  • Transport of luggage between hotels
    1 bag or package of a maximum of 20 kg per person
    If not needed, the cost of this service will be deducted from the proposal

  • Tracks of the route in GPX format for mobile phones or GPS devices and printed map with each day routes options
  • Explanatory printed map-sketch of the different route options for each stage
    One per stage
  • Link to services that may be necessary along the route
  • Presentation of the route and delivery of information in hand the day of the arrival of the group to the hotel or the morning of the next day when groups are of 6 or more people
  • Telephone assistance for incidents or consultations during the days of the contracted activity



  • Beers or other consumptions outside the proposed menus in the dinners or during the stay in hotels
  • Meals in restaurants at the time of the noon, unless it has been agreed previously to replace dinner with meals
  • Any kind of sports material, helmets, shoes, etc
  • Mechanical Assistance during the activity
    If possible, we will try to help you in case of a breakdown, but in many situations this help can be very limited due to lack of specific spare parts or other circumstances. The cost of the service if it can be done is € 18 per hour + € 0.40 per kilometer.
  • Anything not expressly indicated in the offer


  • Airport/station pick up
    We put you in contact with the transfer companies that provide these services. We do not include its cost in our proposal.
  • Bicycle rental
    We put you in touch with a rental service in the nearest place to the route start point
  • Hire Asistance / Accident Insurance
    and / or Trip Cancellation Insurance



5 Stages / 5 Nights

If you decide to add stage H, a circular route from Zubiri through the EREMUA territory, and give way to BASOAK 5* then the proposal is this.



5 Stages / 5 Nights

648 €
Price per person for groups of 6 or more people

BSK5E4Y5 €
Price per person for groups of 4 or 5 people

BSK5E2Y3 €
Price per person for groups of 2 or 3 people

Single room supplement: 174 €
When the group consists of an even number of people, an even number of applications will also be necessary to access this supplement.

And you can add a Night with Breakfast at the end of the route -in the same hotel where you started it- - for 37 € per person in a double room or for 60 € in a single room

In these proposals when the groups are odd, the accommodation is offered in double rooms and a single room.

If you want the price of the Pack to be cheaper, perhaps we can lower the level of one of the chosen hotels. And also, if the number of participants is odd; request a triple room.
- This management is only done once the Pack has been contracted -

Rates for the whole year, subject to availability.
The prices may vary when the dates coincide with the Easter holidays or with the Patron Festivities of any of the places of accommodation.

If you have doubths, do not hesitate and use some of the buttons below, we respond quickly.


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